Kids First English
KF英語中心 - 太子

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My son Hayden has been studying English at Kids First English Learning Centre for more than 5 years.  At the beginning he couldn’t understand or speak any English and was very afraid of lessons but now he can speak English confidently and communicate well with teachers and foreigners.





















Hayden is my first child so when we had to find a suitable English course for him, we didn’t know where to start.  Luckily we came across Kids First English.  When I called up to enquire about their courses, I already got a good feeling about the centre because the headteacher was very kind and he patiently answered all of my questions.  I therefore enrolled Hayden on one of their courses. 
From the first playgroup course until now, Hayden has been taught by the same teacher.  She is a very professional, caring, patient, detail-minded and sincere teacher.  Hayden is now doing the phonics course and he can already read some English storybooks by himself and try to read and spell new words.  During this time, we also enrolled him on other Kids First English courses and he was taught by the centre’s other professional teachers where he also learnt a lot of vocabulary and improved his reading skills.  At Kids First English Learning Centre, Hayden’s progress in his listening, speaking, reading and writing skills meant he had built a good foundation for starting primary school and he easily adapted to his school’s all-English learning environment.
Currently there are many English learning centres to choose from.  In this competitive market, Kids First English is still a centre which whole-heartedly and genuinely wants to help children to improve their English skills.  All of their teachers are professional, caring and patient.  I am happy to have my child continue learning in this environment.
Mrs Lo (son aged 7)
My daughters have been studying here for more than 4 years.  At the beginning they couldn’t understand the native English teachers and were afraid to speak in English, but now they can communicate well with them.  I can see the marked progress they’ve made.
Seeing them learning happily every time has made me understand how a fun and happy learning environment is necessary for learning.  Attending English classes here, to them, is like doing an interest course.  I don’t need to remind them to prepare for their classes every week as they do it themselves.  Because learning English has become a part of their lives, their English is progressing on an ongoing basis!
As a mother, it is not a must for my daughters to achieve outstanding academic results.  I believe it is more important for them to understand why they need to learn and to embrace learning.  I think they have achieved this.
Mrs Cheung (daughters aged 11 and 10)
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